Farm Tours
We offer farm tours for smaller groups and families to meet, feed, interact with and walk with our alpacas.
For full details and to book your experience of these wonderful animals, please go to our Reservation Form.
For your reference, a pdf file of this complete page (correct at 11/10/2024) can be downloaded. This webpage is regularly updated so do return for the latest pdf version.
Alpacas evolved to eat and digest the native grasses found at high altitude in the Andes, primarily Jarava ichu (Peruvian feathergrass) which for most of the year is of low nutritional value. A number of unique adaptations have allowed the alpaca to thrive under these conditions. Notable is having a three-chambered rumen containing specific bacteria which are able to break down the fibrous grasses into sugars. Additionally, waste nitrogen (as urea) is extracted from the bloodstream back into the stomach to enable increased growth rates of these bacteria. The plant material and bacteria are subsequently digested thus enabling the alpaca to extract the maximum possible protein from the material eaten. These adaptations are critical in their native environment but on New Zealand paddocks with lush rye grass, there is a risk of animals putting on too much weight - refer to the condition scoring section below. Llamas and alpacas have lower energy and protein requirements as compared to other ruminants but they have a greater protein requirement per unit of energy [74]. Alpacas require 1.8 - 2.0% (dry weight) of their body mass per day of feed making them more efficient consumers than sheep. Everyday access to good grazing is a given. Supplementary feeding is not usually required except during the facial eczema season or for putting weight back onto a thinner animal. Alpacas are very keen on kibble (pellets) but care should be taken as:
Good husbandry practices are essential to support the good health of alpacas and most of these can be performed by the owner.
Please note that the information given here is for guidance only. An alpaca owner must know the normal behaviour of each of their animals and should one behave abnormally, veterinary consultation is strongly recommended.
Some alpacas, notably with black nails, will seldom need them trimming. Most will though and it prevents the nails from twisting and deforming the toes. When they become too long they should be trimmed back using straight-bladed clippers. On the shearing table, the nail is simply trimmed level with the pad base. With the alpaca standing, one person holds the alpaca's head or halter whilst another, facing backwards, will lift the foot and trim the nail. Inspection of the nails by lifting the feet should be carried out several times a year as occasionally a nail may curve over and press into the pad. For a video demonstration, this YouTube video will really help you. It is important that you always work in close to the alpaca. When close, any impact from a kick will be from the foot pads. At distance, the toe nails can be involved which is much more painful.
Alpacas have 30 to 32 adult teeth which will have all erupted by about six years of age. At the front of the mouth are six lower incisors which make contact with an upper dental pad, an arrangement that enables the alpaca to grip and tear off plant matter. At the back of the mouth on each side, top and bottom jaws, are two premolar and three molar teeth for grinding the food down. Between these sets are the fighting teeth comprised of a third incisor each side at the top plus upper and lower canine teeth. In males, when fully erupted at around five years, these teeth curve backward, are razor sharp and designed to lacerate an opponent during a fight. They can measure 2.5 cm in length and inflict serious injuries to the head, legs and testicles. Trimming of the fighting teeth may be needed and is most commonly performed on the more aggressive males. Females also have fighting teeth but they often barely protrude from the gum line and their presence is seldom an issue anyway due to their more sedate behaviour.
All alpaca teeth grow continuously and are ground down by grazing and food grinding action. The teeth are deciduous, that is the first set is replaced by permanent teeth. This starts with the molars at six months and the incisors at around two years old. The incisors need to correctly align with the dental palate to ensure efficient grazing. Should there be poor alignment, the teeth will miss the palate and over-grow due to lack of wear. In this case, they should be trimmed to prevent difficulty in feeding and snapping of the teeth. There are several methods for this but as the New Zealand regulations currently stand, all must be performed by a veterinary. Apart from sedation of the alpaca being needed, a vet is least likely to fracture the teeth during the cutting process. Teeth should be checked twice a year as growth rates do vary amongst alpacas.
Most alpaca owners will not own a livestock scale to weigh animals so body scoring should be done on a regular basis. Data should be collated and records kept managing herd health and identify a possible health issue. Methods for doing this can be found in this Welfare code from the New Zealand government and this fact sheet. On a five point scale, the ideal body condition is scored at 3.0. Condition scores of under 2.0 or above 4.0 represent extremely thin or fat animals respectively. Most alpacas (except in late pregnancy or lactation) should maintain a body condition score between 2.5 and 3.25.
Shearing is an animal welfare issue as alpacas do not shed their fleece and will overheat in summer if their fleece is not removed. Even if you have no interest in keeping their fleeces, the animal must still be sheared. This site hosts an interactive and up-to-date directory of shearers for New Zealand. It is advised that owners contact their nearest or preferred shearer at least two months in advance to ensure they are included on the shearer's circuit.
As alpacas lack flexibility in their spines, they cannot be sheared in the same way as sheep.
During shearing, an assistant will manouever the alpaca in a way that allows effective shearing with the minimum of stress to it. Electric clippers are mostly used although with different combs to those used for sheep. A skilled shearer will take under 15 minutes per animal and be able to remove the fleece blanket in one piece which is rolled up and placed into a labelled paper sack. Second-grade fibre from the neck, legs and underside is separated off into a different bag. The shearer should also make the minimum of second cuts as these short lengths can become mixed with good length fibre. It is advised that the tail fleece is trimmed but kept long and wide enough to cover the genital area thus protecting it from sunburn. Frequently, owners and helpers will be performing injections, clipping toenails, collecting fleece, taking fibre samples, etc, during and after the shearing which minimises the time the alpaca stays restrained on the table.
Whichever method is used, shearing is a stressful experience for alpacas and they can behave in a variety of ways. Although some may appear relaxed, others show their fright by urinating during shearing or venting their anger by targetted spitting at the shearer and assistants (a cloth lightly covering the nose and mouth will prevent this). Keeping other herd members close by and if possible visible to the animal being sheared will help and if a dam has a cria, keeping it close and visible will help. In essence, being calm and well organised for shearing will minimise the time spent restrained and thus the stress to your alpacas.
As mentioned above, when the blanket is being removed, owners can take a fibre sample from the mid-side of each animal for analysis. The samples may be sent to a testing laboratory such as the New Zealand Wool Testing Authority or SGS New Zealand. There are a number of analytical methods available for these tests but all provide measures of:The fleece blanket requires skirting, a process to remove guard hair, vegetable matter and second cut fibres. This can either be done at the time of shearing, if enough time and knowledgeable assistants are available, otherwise the fleece should be carefully rolled up as it is removed from the alpaca and stored in a large paper sack until time permits. A skirting frame can be made by attaching large holed plastic trellis to a simple wooden frame, to give an area of around 2 x 1 metres in size. The frame can simply be supported by larger saw horses or between benches. Better designs do exist using either PVC pipes and joints or a more elaborate wooden frame, both of which are light and collapsable after use.
The blanket should be unrolled and spread out on the mesh, with the cut side downwards. Shorts and dirt will immediately drop through the mesh and the frame can be rattled to help. Remove any coarse hair from the fleece edges plus sticks or other vegetable matter from the body of the fleece. It is then ready for further processing.
Alpaca owners know that fleeces still contain a significant quantity of dust, sand or general dirt. This needs to be removed before any washing and carding takes place and an efficient means to do this is use of a tumbler. Many designs exist but all involve a mesh-sided cage which can be rolled or rotated allowing the dirt to fall out. Some are rotated using an electric motor or even attached to a concrete mixer engine (both with speed reduction mechanisms) but in our experience, a cage of fleece can be easily hand-rotated when mounted on a smooth shaft. A leaf blower used during rotation is spectacularly effective at removing the dirt and shorts. Standing downwind of the drum during this process is not advised! Once complete, the fleece is ready for picking out of any remaining vegetable matter and it can then be carded and spun into wool if desired.
A list of alpaca fibre carders and spinning mills in New Zealand can be found on the Alpaca Resources page.
The correct fit is extremely important when putting a halter onto your alpaca. Alpacas are obligate nasal breathers, that is they only breathe through their nostrils except under particular circumstances - usually after disputes which also involved spitting. In spite of alpacas having a long nose, only the top section is bony and able to accept any downwards pressure - it is critical that the nose band of the halter sits on this bony part. There is variation in the length of the bony section so the band must be at the very top of the nose. If the nose band is too low on the nose it will compress the cartilage section and make breathing difficult. The alpaca is then very likely to become agitated or panic.
There is a very good article on halters by Marty Bennett at CAMELIDynamics which explains the available types of halters and how to correctly fit one onto your alpaca. The article has clear picture examples of good and bad fitting and can be downloaded directly on this link from CAMELIDynamics.
Changes to the New Zealand Animal Welfare Act in May 2015 gave the Ministry of Primary Industries (MPI) the ability to make a Code of Welfare for Llamas and Alpacas under the Act. This was released in 2018 and contains minimum standards and recommended best practices to improve their welfare.
The 2018 MPI Code of Welfare can be downloaded in this pdf file. Ammendments to the Animal Welfare Act (effective 9th May 2021) cover "Use of equipment that may injure llama or alpaca" and "Cutting teeth of animals" as sections 23 and 56D respectively. These ammendments can be viewed in the Animal Welfare Act link above.
In Australia, a similar welfare document has been published by the Australian Veterinary Association.
In the United Kingdom, the "Alpaca, Llamas & Guanaco Welfare Guide" was released in 2014 by the British Alpaca Society but no longer appears available.
In the United States, a document entitled "Recommended Practices in Caring For Llamas & Alpacas" was issued in 2005 by the Camelid Community Standards of Care Working Group.
The literature below can be accessed by clicking on the highlighted link. Some links will access the appropriate web page from which the article can be downloaded but others will immediately start downloading the full reference.
65. Grund, S., Vogel, M. and Mülling, C.K.W. (2018). Morphometric evaluation of the growth of Alpacas (Vicugña pacos) from birth to 36 months of age. Small Ruminant Res., 166: 61-65.
74. Van Saun, R.J. (2006). Nutrient requirements of South American camelids: A factorial approach. Small Ruminant Res., 61: (2–3), 165-186.
88. Rosadio R, Yaya K, Véliz Á & Quispe T. (2012). Protective effect of a clostridium polyvalent vaccine on neonatal mortality in alpacas. Rev. Investig. Vet. Perú, 23(3): 299-306. (In Spanish).
Summary in English.